Design Trend: Neobrutalism


6/29/20234 min read

Neobrutalism is a design trend that draws inspiration from the architectural movement known as Brutalism, which emerged in the mid-20th century. It embraces rawness, simplicity, and a bold, unapologetic aesthetic. Think striking typography, strong grids, and vibrant colors that make a statement! 🏢💥

The term "Brutalism" is derived from the French phrase "béton brut," meaning "raw concrete." The movement embraced the use of raw, exposed concrete as a primary material, showcasing its inherent qualities and textures. Brutalist architecture often featured massive, monolithic structures characterized by bold geometric forms, repetitive patterns, and an emphasis on functionality. (Via Wikipedia & Google Research)

Some of the famous Brutalist Architecture of the world are like this:

Neobrutalism emerged as a contemporary reinterpretation of Brutalism, adapting its principles to modern design practices, including UI/UX, graphic design, and web design. While it maintains the raw and unrefined aesthetics of Brutalism, Neobrutalism combines it with digital elements and a more refined approach to create visually striking and impactful designs.

Neobrutalism in UX/UI design has taken inspiration from Brutalism's core principles and adapted them to the digital realm. Here are some aspects that Neobrutalism has picked from Brutalism in terms of UX/UI design:

1. Rawness and Authenticity:

Neobrutalism adopts the raw and authentic aesthetic of Brutalism. It incorporates elements like rough textures, unfinished surfaces, and exposed structures in digital design, creating a sense of authenticity and uniqueness.

2. High Contrast and Vibrant Colors:

Neobrutalism utilizes high contrast and vibrant color + Bold palettes to create visual impact and make elements stand out.

3. Bold Typography:

Just like Brutalist architecture, Neobrutalist designs prioritize bold and expressive typography. Large and striking fonts are used to grab attention and communicate messages effectively.

4. Asymmetry and Unconventional Layouts:

Neobrutalism embraces asymmetry and unconventional layouts, breaking away from traditional grid structures. This approach adds visual interest and a sense of uniqueness to the design, creating an engaging user experience.

5. Simplified and Experimental Approach:

Neobrutalism encourages experimentation and pushes the boundaries of traditional design norms. It allows for unconventional and daring design choices, fostering creativity and innovation in UX/UI design.

My Take on Neobrutalism

The question is; why it's gaining so much popularity & when should we consider Neobrutalism for our designs? 🤔

Its gaining popularity because of;

1️⃣ Unforgettable User Experience: Neobrutalist designs create memorable experiences by breaking away from conventional norms. The unique visual language grabs attention, evokes emotions, and leaves a lasting impression on users.

2️⃣ Authenticity and Originality: It celebrates authenticity. It encourages designers to push boundaries, embrace imperfections, and think outside the box. This trend allows for creative expression that stands out in a crowded digital landscape.

3️⃣ Visual Impact and Engagement: Neobrutalist designs are visually striking and demand attention. With bold colors, strong contrasts, and unconventional layouts, they captivate users and drive engagement, making them perfect for brands that want to make a bold statement.

We should consider using it when;

1️⃣ Brand Reinvention: If you're looking to revitalize your brand's image, Neobrutalism can help you make a bold and memorable statement that resonates with your audience.

2️⃣ Unique Projects: Neobrutalism works well for projects that require an edgy, unconventional vibe. It's particularly suitable for portfolios, artistic platforms, or brands targeting a younger, design-savvy audience.

3️⃣ Breaking the Mold: Neobrutalism allows you to break free from traditional design norms and create something truly remarkable. It's an opportunity to challenge the status quo and make a strong visual impact.


1️⃣ Dropbox: The Dropbox website showcases a Neobrutalist approach with its use of bold typography, minimalistic layout, and strong visual elements. It's a prime example of how this design trend can create a memorable and impactful user experience.

2️⃣ Medium: Medium, a popular publishing platform, has embraced Neobrutalism in its design philosophy. The platform features a clean, minimalistic layout, bold typography, and a strong emphasis on content. This design approach allows for distraction-free reading and a focus on the written word

3️⃣ Mailchimp: Mailchimp, an email marketing platform, has adopted Neobrutalism in its recent redesign. With its bold colors, prominent use of typography, and unconventional layouts, Mailchimp's design breaks away from traditional email marketing designs, creating a visually captivating and engaging user experience.

5️⃣ Gumroad: Gumroad, a platform that enables creators to sell digital products, has adopted Neobrutalism in its recent redesign. With its bold and striking color palette, unconventional layouts, and strong typographic choices, Gumroad's design stands out, reflecting the creative and artistic nature of the platform's community.

4️⃣ Figma: Figma, a widely used collaborative design tool, has embraced Neobrutalist-inspired design elements in its user interface. With its use of bold typography, vibrant colors, and a clean, grid-based layout, Figma's design exudes a sense of modernity and empowers designers to create visually stunning and impactful designs.

Lastly, By incorporating these elements, Neobrutalism brings a fresh and unconventional visual language to UX/UI design. It challenges the norms, stands out from the crowd, and creates memorable user experiences that captivate and engage.

#Neobrutalism #Brutalism #UXUI #DesignPrinciples #VisualImpact